Hi all,
So, I managed to score some real PVS frames about a year ago and went about doing a GB2 build.
Sadly, I lost pics when I had to make new social media pages so I don't have pics of the goggles in there original state, the were black goggles which also came with a case.
I have been trying to find a supplier to do aluminium lenses but to no avail so I purchased the lenses from Shapeforge props - Martin's work is awesome - I had purchased from him before so didn't hesitate to buy the lenses.
I also purchased the kampfpanzer leopard tank kit which was used for the greeblies (and for slime tank ones as well). I also managed to get a GBfans goggle strap. Everything else was original to the goggle frame I bought.
I got some aluminium plate for the face plate and after some trimming realised that the plate wouldn't fit so using reference and the hive mind of Spengler's 1984 workbench (plus Toby and Stu) decided that the sides were filled on the goggles sop went about fitting that.
I had also sourced what was the closest bolts I could find to the original ones used and some tamiya TS28 paint. I also dyed the strap in black from the green colour as its closer to the screen used colour.
I was also pretty sure the adjuster knobs on the side were the original ones that came with the goggles (which also makes sense) so have secured the nuts in place and attached them to the outside of the frame.
Anyway, here's some pics:
PXL_20240112_170423326 by Bill Billings, on Flickr
PXL_20240624_085914219 by Bill Billings, on Flickr
Here's the gap issue:
PXL_20240624_085918777 by Bill Billings, on Flickr
PXL_20240624_085923316 by Bill Billings, on Flickr
and the start of the fix:
PXL_20240624_182447514 by Bill Billings, on Flickr
Wasn't happy:
PXL_20240624_193104169 by Bill Billings, on Flickr
More sanding, filling...repeat numerous times:
PXL_20240624_182438935 by Bill Billings, on Flickr
and then - all done 😊 (well mostly, need to source a new strap buckle and add some lenses to the lenses)
PXL_20240626_170350143.NIGHT by Bill Billings, on Flickr
PXL_20240626_170323087 by Bill Billings, on Flickr
PXL_20240626_170307437 by Bill Billings, on Flickr
PXL_20240626_170313966 by Bill Billings, on Flickr
The super awesome Ray Cameron also pointed out that they left the original stickers on in case anyone spotted it and wondered why:
Screenshot_20240409-215739 by Bill Billings, on Flickr
Anyway, that's my GB2 Ecto Goggle build as it stands for now.
Coupled with my Afterlife OG pack, feels like I am properly back in the GB prop world now after an absence - have really enjoyed the builds recently and this week!